Ideally, TMR clients would train with us 3-5 times per week, enjoy some other physical pursuits and lead as active a life as possible in our device-focussed modern way. We get calls frequently from prospective clients who want to train once per week but as we all know, Classical Pilates is not just a workout that gets barked AT you over a microphone and music… it takes a lot of mental concentration and connection which paves the way for the physical benefits. These days we humans just don’t move enough, we have become deconditioned, weak, tight and brittle … we know anecdotally that more movement helps us feel better in our skin AND has a flow on effect of better movement, plus this is also supported by tonnes of exercise science and associated research. That’s why we stand by our training requirement of at least twice a week (with us)… it’s there to help you connect, progress and fly.

If you’re looking at general exercise guidelines … for best results (just for maintenance) the National Guidelines suggest you should be active most days if not every day and goes as far (these days) as to break it down into intensity categories

  • 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity – such as a brisk walk, golf, mowing the lawn or swimming
  • 1.25 to 2.5 hours of vigorous intensity physical activity – such as jogging, aerobics, fast cycling, soccer or netball

We have come a long way in understanding how to support and operate the human body. We know that exercise has restorative, protective and powerful benefits. It can improve your mood by releasing hormones, protect your joints by improving bone mineral density and strengthening soft-tissue and has the potential for a full system overhaul which can transform your life and potential reducing reliance or need for medication.

For adults, being active regularly can:

While we focus on the physical benefits of Exercise or Pilates, we can also zoom out and talk at length of the mental, emotional and social benefits of attending a studio and being part of a community. Just like the social value of a book club, the coming together, the chit-chat and long-term relationships built at a studio are large part of why many of us continue to frequent your favourite studio or why your instructors love to wake up for work. The social connection as an incentive to turn up, to then exercise and feel better physically … is a pretty 2 for 1. 

If you attend with us twice a week in person, you could supplement with @TMRNOW and complete an additional 2-3 20-30 minute video stacks including stretching and mobility work. This would allow you to target your personal goals at home as well as in the studio AND with extra strength and mobility …. enjoy life that little bit sooner. 

Oh also …. if you are a step counter … the more the better sure,… but check this out! 

And as always… variety is key. Find things you love and places you love to do them … healthy for life!