Studio Sessions

New client programme

You won’t be lost in our Pilates classes – we want you to be confident during your :me with us, ask plenty of ques:ons and try new things without pressure. That’s why we built a new client induc:on pathway for all clients who are cleared to train in the group programme. Join your instructor for two private session and a series of purpose-built classes at set :mes with a cohort of other new clients. You’ll have the :me and space to develop before jumping in to our levelled classes which is key when star:ng Pilates with us. By the end of this course, you’ll be clear on the basics and understand how to use your body in class with technical cues to avoid injury, operate the apparatus and maximise your Pilates experience.


This mode of training is our most versatile offering because it is centred around you and your needs. Completely customisable, scheduled six days a week and available online through ZOOM or at our studios in North Melbourne.


Client + authentic Pilates + TMRPILATES = success!

Greatness, like exercise is individual. Want to wake up without stiffness, beat a PB or just tone up and be healthy… greatness looks different in everyone but inspires confidence in us all. Choose from daily classes including a guided practice in our starter classes, specialised apparatus classes or our independent seasonal programmes like Joe’s Gym or the Purist Club.

Private Sessions

All eyes are on you. Private sessions are a collaborative approach to find comfort, agility and excitement in your body using the traditional Pilates method. We’ll also use current concepts in exercise-science and movement education to boost your body and mind.

Depending on who you are and what you like, sessions can flow, be more programme oriented or mix it up based on your mood and daily goal.

In these sessions, there is no one else to compare yourself with. We challenge you to build on each session and grow with your teacher.

Private sessions are equally as beneficial for rehabilitation and sports performance enhancement and are often the best way to train if you have unique goals or are preparing for a Pilates teacher training programme.

Whatever the reason, we are here for you.


Small Group Classes

We offer a variety of class types that are geared to your complete development within the Pilates method. Our classes are levelled (starter, starter plus, progressive, open) to support your wellbeing by encouraging your growth, natural enquiry and intrinsic motivation.

Our studio class is built not just based on the apparatus used (mat, tower, barrels) but also to cut-through the wellbeing nonsense and deliver you sensible results. For many clients, we encourage you to spend a few months developing your strength and Pilates discipline in our general studio sessions and only add Reformer classes when the time is right and in consultation with your instructor. Even in our skilled hands, the Classical Reformer is rarelythe best place to learn the method or what your body needs…. But when you’re ready, we are ready to work with you on the original, deep work.

The Movement Refinery offers a cumulative experience, each step up asks more from you in terms of strength, range of motion and the ability to recall each exercise with solid form; not just the sweat factor. Not all clients wish to progress beyond our basic classes. For those who do opt-in, we have constructed a progression pathway so that you are aware of the skills and exercises you need to know inside / out with confidence before seeking to ‘level up’. Our framework offers you a short-cut to confidence so that you can succeed at any

Ultimately, a measure of our success is that you are able to attend autonomously and work thoughtfully independently in our Joe’s Gym sessions. You will have spent plenty of time developing your own relationship with the classical work and just like in Joe’s original studio, you will attend frequently to

TMRNOW+ Our On-Demand Platform

Welcome to the on-demand world of The Movement Refinery Pilates studios. TMRNOW+ is here to offer you comfort, inner-strength and confidence from the comfort of your own home, office or hotel room. Classes are offered with and without equipment and are accessible to all levels of familiarity with the Pilates method. Choose from over 100 mini-work outs, tutorials and deep-dives into the body and the Pilates method.


Contact Us

Feel free to send us a message.

If you want to see what the true Pilates method, a studio built for real people and some cute plants can do for you … reach out here. We will make sure you are looked after. If you’re a new client, we will show you the ropes with our first steps package.