Our Wunda class offers North Melbourne Pilates lovers something special…. An environment to develop in functional positions and variety from our Reformer or Studio classes. The Movement Refinery is one of the only studios in the country to offer group training on the Wunda Chair, we’ve seen the benefits of training on this little beast for new and experienced clients alike.  

Our Wunda class involves you a place to develop your skills in standing, kneeling and weight bearing … plus a few favourites from the studio class such as Teaser, Swan and the like. You’ll work to build your wrist strength and full body integration – think push ups, pikes, preps for handstands …. As well as working the running and walking muscles in exercises like big step-ups ad the Mountain Climber series. This apparatus offers you less surface area to train on the Mat, Reformer or Cadillac … so integrating the classical Mat sequence on the chair offers your mind a whole new set of challenges to conquer with your body. 

For clients new to the chair, we will utilise the earlier classes to build out your repertoire and experience, we will add in some mat and barrels work which will be especially useful if you swap a studio class for the Wunda class.


As this falls under our group exercise programme, these classes have the same pre-requisites as our existing classes. You may also access the chairs (Wunda, Baby Chair and Electric Chair)  in private training as well as the autonomous programme. 

We will start the programme with two classes week commencing 20 May;  Marnie will lead a starter/starter+ chair class on Wednesdays at 7:30pm and Chris will lead a progressive level class on Thursdays at 6:30pm – this class will roll out on 16/5. If you would like to reserve or waitlist a regular class, please contact me.

I am pleased and proud to offer this new service to you and look forward to hearing how you find this new element in your Pilates training at The Movement Refinery.
