The Pilates Alliance Australasia Conference was held August 25-27 in Melbourne. Usually we fly up to Sydney for this event and it was so refreshing to be in our home town and not deal with the airport for a change. It was also a delight to leave North Melbourne for the sunny vista of Southbank and catch up with many colleagues from around the country, especially those who I first met in Melbourne in 2004.
Day 1
Session one – @alexandra.osteopilates takes us through a two hour anatomy review of the neck ✅
Session two – applying some great ideas to our neck and trunk reminding us about the power of building patiently and starting with isometrics
Session three – @bhpilates played with links in the system and our Chris Kelly enjoyed demonstrating the Jack Knife family
A great first day and affirming that your team at The Movement Refinery are up with the research and moving forward with pleasure.
A true delight to also have Vanessa @pilatesismytemple with us ♥️
Day 2
Our people ♥️
Another great session with @alexandra.osteopilates on day two of the @pilatesallianceaustralasia conference .. Chris, Vanessa and I enjoyed reviewing the classical hands on and also learning Alexandra’s perspective too.
It has been such a gift to hang out and workout with as we rarely cross over in the studios. Learning together and sharing feedback and ideas has been absolutely delicious…. Same with lunch time sushi.
Another session with @bhpilates which focussed on the Reformer. We were able to try Reformers of different manufacturers which only made our apparatus more. Nothing but the best for our clients.
Absolutely spent.
Day 3
First up was my presentation, more on that to come.
Session two – looking at working with hyper mobile clients with Alexandra Bohlinger. Again, reminded that your little local studio is at the leading edge of movement education.
Session three – Advanced work on the Cadillac with Romana’s Pilates Grand Master Trainer Cynthia Lochard. Again reminded to look at the simplicity of the work and build slowly. I was hoping to move more but many of us were feeling the day three feels of a conference.