When we’re not taking our clients through their Classical Pilates paces, TMR is deeply committed to mentoring through the Melbourne Pilates Teacher Network (MPTN).
Founded by our Studio Director, Nicholas Psarros, MPTN is a peer lead network, which exists to support like-minded instructors who are comprehensively certified in the Pilates method, on a professional and social level.
Throughout the year the network provides professional development workshops, social interaction, introduces mentors to mentees and provides a forum to share and discuss concepts and concerns. Specially within the TMR space, a specially curated annual collection of professional development workshops are held, and lead by inspirational and knowledgeable practitioners from all corners of Australia. What’s not to love?
Back in March, TMR hosted yet another successful MPTN workshop titled: ‘True Two-Way Stretch with Wade Edwell of Proper Pilates.’ Before the Autumn months march on, it’s important to pause for a moment and reflect on the experience and lessons of the day.
To take us back, we ran a Q&A with Nicholas, who was more than happy to delve deeper into the nature and benefits of the Two-Way Stretch (TWS).
Q: So, what is the Two-Way Stretch?
“It is really the most effective way to get a client to reach their physical potential. It is a concept that is with a client for life both in and out of the studio.
Whether you look at the Two-Way Stretch from a particular discipline be it Classical Pilates, biomechanics, ballet, or just a general understanding of physics it gets the body prepared to create shapes, withstand external forces and develop athletically and efficiently.”
Q: As a Pilates instructor, what is the importance of understanding the Two-Way Stretch?
“Without the understanding, instructors are left to teach by sight and the broad method just becomes isolated ‘exercises’ or ‘repertoire’. As a professional that has a rich understanding of the TWS through a Classical Pilates practice of their own, you are able to teach beyond pretty shapes and fancy tricks and support the client with a method and movement philosophy across all facets of the studio and dare I say it, beyond.”
Q: Taking that idea further, what is unique about the approach to strength and stretch across the Classical Pilates form?
“You can’t have one without the other. Look at your favourite bridge or skyscraper … there is always a solid foundation paired with some structural mobility. Our movement system and exercise methodologies should incorporate this concept. Classical Pilates does this economically, using the Two-Way Stretch.”
Q: Your workshop at TMR was targeted toward Pilates teachers. From a client level, what are the benefits of engaging a Pilates instructor who truly understands the importance of the Two-Way Stretch?
“Generally, this type of instructor is comprehensively trained (beyond a quick certification), has a clear passion for the craft and community of Pilates and does their utmost to deliver a strong result for their clients … in other words, a professional.
Understanding how-to-‘Pilates’ with the Two-Way Stretch assists our clients to feel the work rather than think it and progress with each class.”
Q: What was the response from the workshop?
“THRILLING. Instructors were buzzing discovering the best way to connect the movement possibilities of the human body utilising one ‘simple’ tool. The Two-Way Stretch inspired practitioners to assist their clients from the novice level to the experienced devotee. It was great to see participants brimming with excitement and buzzing as revelations opened new pathways.”
Thanks so much to Wade for his inspiring workshop and to all of our wonderful colleagues who attended and soaked up the knowledge on offer.”
If you’re a TMR client, we’ve got you covered, but of course if you have any questions about the Two-Way Stretch or any of our workshops yell out to us before a session. If you’re a new client looking to work with highly trained experts like Nicholas, it’s time to take advantage of our new client specials.
Pilates practitioners who haven’t yet joined the MPTN should jump online, register and check out our upcoming events.