As the studio grows with new clients and additional teaching staff, it’s time to take a moment to ensure we are all on the same page to enable your teachers to deliver a fantastic product and maintain our community culture; especially in the group class environment. Each week I’ll send out some information to uplift our shared community along the lines of attending with an injury, arriving late, how often to train and finding the right level for you. 

You may not know this but few studios globally attempt to democratise the original method by offering the group class price-point. To do this, we have developed a curriculum which is supported by our admin policies. 

Success in the group class programme begins with how you turn up to train in your group classes. Private sessions whether occasional or thrice weekly are the best way to care for yourself and also the optimal environment for your instructor to provide for you. We appreciate that this mode is not accessible to everyone which is why we do our best to provide a group class schedule.

In order to meet our own teaching objectives and be consistent across the client roster we need particular conditions to succeed for you in this shared experience. Group classes are built for clients without injury (chronic or acute) and who are able to layer our information week on week to progress through our level system.

In the same way that you wouldn’t attend with COVID or a fresh head cold, we ask you to consider implications of turning up to a group class with a physical barrier that prevents you from completing the class or taking your instructor’s attention away from other clients. 

If you are injured or not feeling well with any of the following of this abridged list which would prevent you from completing the planned curriculum, likely it’s inappropriate for you to attend a group class.

Are you currently experiencing difficulty with any of the following? 

  • lifting your head off the equipment without support 
  • moving your spine in all directions to the fullest extent
  • weight bearing on hands/knees/feet


  • migraine / strong headache 
  • spasm/tension 
  • sporting injury 
  • open wound 
  • excessive swelling

Our job is to support your healing journey while honouring your fellow classmates.  

With that in mind …. 

Do not attend your regular group class, you may be turned away….and cancel as early as possible. Email the studio (nicholas@themovementrefinery) to consult with us, seek referral or to discuss taking a break  from group classes or switch to private sessions temporarily.

Thank you for your cooperation

Nicholas and Co.