Our methodology
We’re so glad you’re interested in our unique view at bringing the genius of the original method into the 21st century.
One of the distinctions when training with us is that even in our group programme, clients are exposed to all of the apparatus in a meaningful way. If you’re doing just some mat or Reformer, you’re not legitimately doing Pilates. Mr Pilates made a movement method that is completely interrelated from one apparatus to another. We also acknowledge that all bodies are individual, shoe-horning you into the Reformer is probably a mistake, so we generally start on the Cadillac, Chairs and barrels. We add Reformer training to your regime, when your body is primed and your mind is keen.
Over your time at the studio, we will start on this list and then build you to being the most agile and powerful version of a human mover possible.
Work with you to offer a baseline of what your joints can do / how they move efficiently
Bust some myths about training and formally oft-maligned muscles *(see upper traps or hip flexors)
Support you to understand the relationship of your pelvis, spine, shoulder blades and head to your posture, comfort and movement.
Take our time to build you into the signature exercises or their components (Roll over, back bends and the like)
Show you HOW to do the exercises by learning the fundamentals of human movement, posture and positioning and layering this within the Pilates exercises rather than just ‘doing’ them ad nauseam
Breathing … how, when, why …
Thoracic connections : waking up the mid back and how the ribs and spine can influence movement, comfort and strength across your whole body
Build an effective arm to body connection to support all types of sports and activities including use of the wrist and forearm
Legs to pelvis – just as for the arms but for down south for example, can you lift your legs up/stretch them back without compensating with another body part
Familiarise you with your own head and pelvis – how do you move them, how much effort to use and what discomfort in these areas means … plus, holding the neck effectively in ‘core’ work
Wake up the dexterity and endurance of the lower limb and foot to provide a stable platform for walking, jumping and playing
Help you to understand the difference between rigidity and stability
Work alongside you to build a sensitive relationship to your body
Provide a measured experience with the traditional exercises on our beautiful traditional equipment (aka the best for a true Pilates experience)
Remind you of your progress and ‘empty trash’ on previous cues that you may have outgrown
Walk a shared path and listen to your feedback to support you in your next steps in your Pilates adventure with our Retreat, workshops, deep dives and skill builder series
As you can imagine, this takes time… months, years or a lifetime. It’s one of the reasons that we choose to work with clients who are here for the long-run. We are all on the same page and chip away at these tasks and feelings as time, life and the world allow.