Autonomous practice, the truest form of Pilates.
A vital part of our offering is the self-lead stream of training, autonomous practice. Clients of all levels opt-in to this mode which enables the deepest learning and self-actualisation. Our mission is to support you to be independent and have your own relationship with the method, beyond needing us for regular instruction.
Once we have co-designed a programme and you feel ready to be independent at the studio, you can access the studio 5am-10pm seven days a week and take yourself through a work-out or work-in that puts you front and centre.
The advantage of autonomous training is that you can attend for up to 90 minutes and complete a programme with you own flavour.
Current clients use the sessions in the following way
Skill development
Slower/faster pace in line with your goals and mood
Longer/slower session based on your physical and emotional condition
Multiple or preferred apparatus including the baby chair, ped-o-pul, Guillotine
Goal or event-specific training
Some clients who prefer to have lower-stimul
There are terms/conditions within this training mode including the establishment of the programme and individual guidelines depending on how long you have been at the studio and how much support you require.
If you are new to the studio, we would recommend a minimum of 10 private sessions to ensure your safety, technique and repertoire prior to autonomous training. Additionally, you would need to attend at least one instructed session each week in your first three months at the studio. We put your holistic wellbeing ahead of our own commercial requirements; continued access to this programme is at the discretion of the Studio Director and by mutual agreement based on your needs and evaluation.